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Flying Termites: Signs of Infestation and Treatment

Key Takeaways

  • Flying termites, or alates, are reproductive termites that emerge to mate and start new colonies, identifiable by their light brown, translucent wings.
  • Flying termites swarm to reproduce and expand colonies, triggered by warm, humid conditions, typically flying short distances and shedding wings after mating.
  • Signs of flying termites include discarded wings and live sightings, indicating a nearby mature colony that can cause significant structural damage and health concerns.

Ever spotted winged insects flitting around your home and worried they might be termites? You’re not alone.

Flying termites, also known as alates, are a cause for concern as they signal a potential termite infestation.

This guide will equip you with the knowledge to understand these unwelcome visitors.

What Are Flying Termites?

Flying termites, also known as alates, are the reproductive caste of a termite colony. They are essentially winged termites that emerge from a mature colony with the sole purpose of mating and starting new colonies elsewhere.

While all termites look similar, only alates have wings. These wings are typically light brown, translucent, and equal in length. Unlike flying insects like bees or wasps, flying termites are poor flyers and can only travel short distances before shedding their wings and focusing on establishing a new nest.

Why Do Termites Fly?

flying termite with the wings wide open to explain why do termites fly

Flying termites don’t take to the skies for leisure cruises. Their swarming behavior is a crucial part of termite reproduction and colony expansion. Here’s why they take flight:

  • Mating and Reproduction: Swarms are essentially giant termite singles bars. Alates emerge from their established colony in large numbers, attracted to light sources. This increases their chances of encountering potential mates from other colonies. After mating, the termites shed their wings, find a suitable location, and work together to establish a new colony.
  • Seasonal and Environmental Triggers: Swarming is triggered by specific environmental conditions. Warm, humid weather after a period of rain is prime swarm time for most termite species.
  • Behavioral Patterns: Swarming termites don’t embark on epic journeys. They typically fly for short distances, often landing near the original colony. The swarming period itself is also brief, usually lasting less than an hour.

Contact us for immediate termite inspection and solutions.

Signs of Flying Termites in Your Home

Spotting flying termites around your home can be unsettling, but it’s important to stay calm and take action. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Visual Indicators: Discarded wings near windows, doors, or light fixtures are a telltale sign of recent termite swarming activity. Additionally, if you see live termites with wings fluttering around your house, you likely have a termite problem on your hands.
  • Structural Damage: While flying termites themselves don’t cause significant damage, their presence indicates a mature colony nearby. The real damage comes from worker termites in the established colony, who can silently chew away at your home’s wooden structures. Look for signs of hollow-sounding wood, buckling walls, or emergence holes near your foundation.

Risks and Dangers of Flying Termites

While flying termites might not seem threatening themselves, their presence signifies a bigger problem:

  • Structural Damage: Termite infestations can lead to costly repairs. Termites can weaken floor joists, support beams, and other structural elements, potentially compromising the integrity of your home.
  • Health Concerns: While uncommon, some people experience allergic reactions or respiratory problems due to termite droppings or frass (wood debris left behind by termites). Additionally, termite activity can worsen existing respiratory issues like asthma.

Schedule a termite assessment with our experts today.

How to Get Rid of Flying Termites

multiple flying termites to illustrate how does an infestation look and how to get rid of them.

If you suspect a termite infestation, take action quickly:

  • Immediate Actions: Vacuum up any visible termites and discarded wings. Seal any potential entry points around your foundation and windows to prevent further infiltration.
  • Long-Term Solutions: For a guaranteed solution, contact a professional pest control company. They can identify the specific termite species, locate the source of the infestation, and implement a treatment plan to eliminate the colony. There are also DIY methods available, but professional expertise is highly recommended for effective termite control.
  • Preventative Measures: Regular inspections of your property, addressing moisture issues around your foundation, and maintaining a barrier between your home and the soil can help deter termites in the first place.

For severe infestations is better to hire a residential pest control service to get rid of flying termites.

Final Thoughts on Flying Termites (From a Pest Control Expert)

As a pest control professional, I’ve seen firsthand the damage termites can cause. Early detection is key. If you see flying termites, don’t ignore them.

Take action quickly to identify the source of the infestation and eliminate it before it becomes a major problem.

By following the advice in this guide and maintaining a proactive approach, you can keep your home termite-free and ensure its structural integrity for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions About Flying Termites

If you see flying termites inside your home, it’s a warning sign that you may have a termite infestation. This is because they swarm indoors to find mates and establish new colonies. However, if you see them only outdoors, it might not necessarily mean an infestation in your house, but they could be looking for a place to start a new colony nearby.

If you see flying termites around your property, it’s important to contact a pest control professional to inspect your home for signs of an infestation. Early detection and treatment is key to preventing serious damage to your property.